A Gentle Yoga System Depression

To get the most out of yoga for sleep, the best approach is to langour poses only. After all, it does sound counter productive to want to force yourself to do vigorous workouts before bed, the deep thought surrounding it is – settling your bustling body from a bustling lifetime to a more so calm setting, is the key.

Studies have revealed that practicing yoga regularly, especially before going to bed, can improve sleeping efficiency, increase the total amount of time spent sleeping, and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. Insomnia again is an entirely different ordeal, in that scenario too, the practice manages to improve the sleeping quality in a holistic manner.

Please refer to this simple routine to get started into a calm sleep:

1. Forward Fold

Foward Fold is considered a passive asana, this helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows down the processes of the body. This in turn reduces stress enabling better sleep.

Muscles Worked – Latissimus dorsi, minor and major teres, erector spinae, gluteus maximus and hamstrings.

  • Stand up straight while keeping your feet hip width.
  • Take a deep breath and take your hands up and out, such that they meet above your head.
  • Breathe out as you tighten the fronts of your thighs and bend from the waist to the front.
  • Let the arm hang below the head or hold the opposite elbows for better comfort.

Dynamic movement with eased out breaths will yield the most optimal results if proper balance preservation is a concern for you.

1.Supine twist

Focusing on turning poses deters body from self-contaminating and alleviates pain. Supine Twist is a reclined pose and is known to reduce baroreflex which is good for blood pressure control and indirectly helps improve the quality of sleep.

Muscles worked on: External obliques, erector spinae, glutes.

  • While inhaling, lay on your back and pull your knees towards your chest.
  • When exhaling, extend your arms out to shoulder height and letting your knees drop to one side.
  • Do not separate your knees and place a cushion under the knee that is on the bottom.
  • Your shoulder blades must remain stationary on the floor a certain distance apart when there is added cushion for support.
  • At minimum, this should be held for five breaths. Inhaling, return knees towards the center and on exhaling turn towards the opposite side.

2.Puppy pose

Puppy pose can also be referred to as variation of child pose and the major muscle groups targeted includes the shoulders, back and spine. It reduces stress and tension by stimulating the pituitary gland and regulating sleep cycle through releasing melatonin.

Stretched Muscles: Deltoids, Rotator cuff, teres major, abdomen, Latissimus dorsi

  • Get on all fours with the hips directly above knees while the shoulders are above the wrists.
  • Without changing anything in your hips, start crawling your hands forward.
  • Tuck your feet keeping the toes on the ground and to the head down towards the mat while breathing out.
  • Press your upper body down to the mat while ensuring that your lower back has a slight bend.
  • After 5 to 10 breaths when it seems that the time has come, change from this position back to the position on all fours.

4. Child’s Pose

To calm yourself or to reduce stress try this classic pose as an asana. It gives a feeling of calmness which in turn can help in the production of melatonin which will aid in better sleep.

Stretched Muscles: hips, shoulders, lower back, latissimus dorsi

  • Sitting on your heels push your knees apart and start moving the big toes together while on all fours first.
  • Put a cushion for support if the chest does not reach the thighs and comes slightly down on a breath out.
  • Move the arms forward or beside the body with palms facing up.
  • Standing up should take place at least 10 breaths later and it can be attempted while inhaling but only with assistance of hands.

5. Legs Up The Wall

To get ready for a nice long sleep while delivering a good stretch to the legs make use of this passive inversion.

Muscles Stretched: Hamstrings, neck, and front torso.

  • Position your mat next to the wall while sitting on it parallel.
  • Lie down and elevate your legs while bending your knees and rotating to place your torso perpendicular to the wall.
  • Pushing your sitting bones together, gradually move forward and push your legs upwards.
  • If required, you may place a pillow under your lower back for comfort.
  • Place your arms beside your abdomen and rotate your palms upwards to rest. Relax and hold your breath for as long as you want.

Final Thoughts

Tonight, you’ll be able to sleep better if you include these easy yoga beliefs in your schedule before going to bed. After practicing for a while, things will get far better. Consequently, you will sleep more soundly and feel more refreshed.


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