Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

As winter draws close, a number of people are likely to feel somewhat down. This is particularly the case after the holidays when the initial thrill has burned off but the long, dark days of winter are really just beginning. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is one common ailment that can have detrimental effects on an individual’s mood, energy and health and is typically referred to as the winter blues. Some of the most common feelings experienced by those afflicted are sadness, fatigue and irritability. Luckily, there are methods that can address and help recover from the winter blues.

When is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) diagnosis appropriate?

This type of disorder is triggered by depression and because of the lack of exposure to the sun, it is prevalent primarily during the cold and dark months. The long and dark days of winter can be the trigger for major depression due to the lack of serotonin during the shorter days of winter. It is very common for such people to experience varying levels of negative feelings, sleepiness, sadness, and feeling devoid of hope.

Natural Sunlight: Being Outside is the Best Medicine

Even if the skies are devoid of sunshine, going outdoors is a great way to mitigate the symptoms of SAD. Sunlight too aids in relief, when taken before 10 in the morning. Going for walks outside is a good way to incorporate this into your routine. With consistent exposure to walking outside, you will feel a major lift in perspective and motivation.

Shared Experiences: Don’t Isolate Yourself

It may be easy to isolate yourself in the warmer months, but going out can help greatly curb feelings of loneliness. Consider going out for dinners, movies, plays and other social gatherings, as these will provide a sense of connection. Experiencing activities with other people alleviates feelings of loneliness and encourages a healthy mind.

Seasonal Activities: Embrace Winter Sports

The winter season should not be limited to the holidays. Attempting to engage in winter sports and activities will greatly enhance the experience of the season. Activities such as reading while cozy, “book hibernating”, winter hikes, and ice skating can work wonders. Having a few outings planned with friends will increase excitement, however these gatherings have to be followed through on as not doing so may lead to feelings of disappointment.

Exercise And Its Wonders To Overcoming The Blues

Everyone knows that exercising enhances one’s mood, and when it comes to winter putting the body to work helps a lot deal with the seasonal sadness. Physical activity helps with Endorphin production which tends to enhance the mood, and thus makes one feel happier. You do not have to follow rigorous exercise plans to gain advantage – simple daily strolls can do the magic. Moreover, make sure to go outside for during the day to get the sunlight.

Mental Peace and Self Care: Modern Day Practice That Counters Stress

The advanced ways of practicing mindfulness and meditating can help you a lot during the winters. Focusing techniques such as these enable you to slow down and stay away from anxiety and depression. Self care practices like reading a favorite book or taking soothing baths can go a long way in helping one feel better and improving mental health.

Enjoy The Process Of Getting To Better Days

Understanding how to navigate around winter blues requires a lot of understanding and compassion. Progress sometimes can be slow and celebrating small milestones and not getting disappointed by their lack of sustainablity is very important for mental health. While getting through those sharp cold months where there seems to be no end in sight, be gentle with oneself, and instead focus on the better days that lie in the distance.

Professional Treatment

There are times when self-help techniques may not be enough and it is time to attempt some professional help. Mental health professionals must be consulted when more troubling symptoms or concerns arise. Therapy, medication, or both may aid in alleviating symptoms as well as promoting emotional healing. A personalized treatment and therapy plan can help you reach a state of emotional health.

Making Winter Brighter By Coping with Seasonale Affective Disorder

Although winter is quite long and gloomy, biased towards dark days, one might employ strategies to mitigate the effects of the Seasonal Affective Disorder and cope better with the situation. These may include taking a walk outside in the sun, attending social events, and planning fun activities for winter, which may help to lift your spirits. During the period of winter blues, be gentle with yourself and keep in mind that counseling is an option if things get challenging. The winter blues can be managed by setting small attainable goals.


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